The application deadline for the 2024–2025 academic year has now passed. For more information and to attend our spring Admissions events, please complete an inquiry form complete 在这里.

2023–2024 ECFS Admissions Events

Ethical Culture

Please stay tuned for listings of our spring 2024 events. To express your interest in these, complete our inquiry form 在这里.

关于2024年春季道德文化之旅,请参阅以下日期并注册参观 在这里

  • Tuesday 4/16–Friday 4/18, 9:00–10:30am
  • Thursday 4/25, 9:00–10:30am
  • 周一 4/29–Thursday 5/2, 9:00–10:30am
  • 周一 5/6–Thursday 5/9, 9:00–10:30am

Fieldston Lower

Please stay tuned for listings of our spring 2024 events. To express your interest in these, complete our inquiry form 在这里.

2024年春季菲尔德斯顿下游之旅,请参阅以下日期并注册参观 在这里

  • Thursday 4/18, 9:30–11:00am
  • Thursday 4/25, 9:30–11:00am
  • Tuesday 4/30, 9:30–11:00am
  • Thursday 5/2, 9:30–11:00am
  • Tuesday 5/7, 9:30–11:00am
  • Thursday 5/9, 9:30–11:00am

Thank you for your interest in the Ethical Culture Fieldston School! We place each of our applicants, from Pre-K through 11th Grade, at the center of our admissions process, 这告诉了云顶集团在会见和了解未来的学生和家庭时所做的所有仔细考虑. We are excited to begin this journey with you, 并期待与大家分享是什么让ECFS成为这样一个特殊的学校和社区.

Choosing a division

伦理文化菲尔德斯顿学校有两个基本部门:伦理文化, located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and Fieldston Lower, located on our campus in the Riverdale section of the Bronx. Both divisions serve students in Pre-K through 5th Grade.

On our application, 未来的家庭表明他们是申请伦理文化还是菲尔德斯顿低. T在这里 is also an option to be considered at both elementary divisions.

Learn more about Ethical Culture

Learn more about Fieldston Lower

Admissions process for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade

学前班、幼儿园和一年级预备家庭的申请截止日期是 Wednesday, November 15, 2023.

Applicants for Pre-K must be four years old by September 1, 2024. Kindergarten applicants must be five years old by September 1, 2024. 1st Grade applicants must be six years old by September 1, 2024.

Submit the application

Create a parent portal account in our online application system.

Submit the $75 application fee or fee waiver

Our application fee, payable online, is $75. 云顶集团很高兴为符合要求的家庭提供费用减免,请致电718-329-7575与云顶集团联系.

Send the school report form for Pre-K
  • 学校报告请求可以使用您的家长门户检查表发起.
    • 注意:学校报告可以通过云顶集团的在线申请门户网站提交. 如果您需要一份可填写的PDF格式的学校报告或教师推荐表, please contact our office. 
    • 云顶集团不要求也不接受学前班、幼儿园和一年级申请者的标准化考试. 

Send the school report form for Kindergarten and 1st Grade
  • School report requests can be initiated using the parent portal checklist.
    • 注意:学校报告可以通过云顶集团的在线申请门户网站提交. 如果您需要一份可填写的PDF格式的学校报告或教师推荐表, please contact our office. 
    • 云顶集团不要求也不接受学前班、幼儿园和一年级申请者的标准化考试. 

Complete the on-campus playgroup assessment and Fieldston campus tour

Playgroups for all prospective Pre-K, Kindergarten, 一年级*学生将在Riverdale的菲尔德斯顿校区亲自参加.

这与你的家庭使用的是哪个小学分类无关. 家长/监护人将在孩子的游戏小组期间参观菲尔德斯顿中上校区. 校园游戏小组和菲尔德斯顿校园之旅总共持续了大约一个半小时. 

During the playgroup, 两名招生人员在教室里观察孩子们. 孩子们有机会彼此互动,并使用适合他们年龄的材料,这些材料既有趣又熟悉. The atmosp在这里 is relaxed and informal.

幼儿园的游戏小组在10月开始,学前班的游戏小组在11月开始. Playgroups are scheduled through January.

*注:仅申请云顶集团的道德文化部门的一年级申请人将不会被安排参加戏剧评估,因为该部门的一年级是基于人员流失的入学点. 申请一年级的家庭,如果在申请表上表明他们希望被两个小学部考虑,将被安排参加一个游戏小组评估. 

Attend an Ethical Culture tour or Fieldston Lower tour
  • 家长/监护人将有机会报名参加他们申请的部门(道德文化或菲尔德斯顿低)的参观活动。, which take place on mornings throughout the fall. 这些一个半小时的参观由家长志愿者和ECFS招生团队的一名成员带领,包括一个Q组&A meeting with a division administrator. 家长/监护人将使用他们的家长门户清单自行安排一个对他们家庭方便的日期和时间. 


Attend an online parent/guardian interview
  • 家庭 applying to Pre-K, Kindergarten, or 1st Grade (Fieldston Lower only) will attend a required, 与ECFS招生团队成员进行在线一对一家长/监护人面试. 家长/监护人将使用他们的家长门户清单自行安排一个对他们家庭方便的日期和时间.


Admissions Process for 2nd Grade–5th Grade

Openings in 2nd–5th Grade are dependent on attrition. We welcome applications to these grades; please feel free to contact our office with any questions.

Submit the application

Create a parent portal account in our online application system.

Submit the $75 application fee or fee waiver

Our application fee, payable online, is $75. 云顶集团很高兴为符合要求的家庭提供费用减免,请致电718-329-7575与云顶集团联系.

Send the school report form

School report requests can be initiated using the parent portal checklist. 

Send the teacher evaluation form


Submit an official school transcript


Visit campus for an assessment and attend the parent/guardian interview

如果云顶集团预计你所申请的年级可能有空缺, 云顶集团将安排家长/监护人面谈,并邀请您的孩子在校园安排一对一的评估.

申请伦理文化菲尔德斯顿学校二年级至五年级学生的家长和监护人将收到邀请,参加12月专门为申请按自然减员制年级的家庭举办的活动. During this event, 家长和监护人将了解更多有关他们所申请的部门, learn more about the attrition-based application process, 他们将有机会会见下级学校的管理人员, 老师, and members of the Admissions team.

兄弟姐妹, 校友, and faculty/staff applicants

兄弟姐妹, 校友, 在录取过程中,教职员工申请家庭会得到特别考虑. We strive to keep families together at ECFS. 然而, due to the sheer quantity of applications we receive, admission is not automatic nor guaranteed. 所有申请人(无论是否与学校有家庭关系)都将按照相同的标准进行评估, 所有的录取决定都考虑到每个孩子的最大利益. It is wonderful that the number of sibling, 校友, and faculty/staff families applying to ECFS continues to increase. While we value ECFS’s community of siblings, 校友, and faculty/staff, 云顶集团还致力于为新家庭提供机会,这些家庭的价值观和目标反映了学校的使命. We ask that our sibling, 校友, and faculty and staff applicant families submit their applications by 周一 10/2.